Thursday, October 18, 2007

Adobe Photoshop Project!..

Here I am with my face in the SuperGirlBell body...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Here is a picture of what the book is about!!...
And how you can determine the characters in the book, here is Timothy and Phillip.

Literature Circle: The Cay: Word Search

Here are five words that were kind of difficult!..

1) Mussels- any of several freshwater bivalve mollusks found in the Central United States.
2) Witch Doctor- someone who is believed to heal through magical powers.
3) Voodoo- a polytheistic religion practiced chiefly by West Indies.
4) Harass- to disturb persistently; torment.
5) Sea Grape- a tropical American tree, bearing grapelike clusters of edible purple berries.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Literature Circle: The Cay: Questions

Here are three to five questions of the book The Cay...

- Why Phillip's mom wanted to go back to Virgina???
- Who rescued Phillip after he got hited in the head???
- Why was Phillip so mean to Timothy???
- Why Phillip got blind???
- What happened at the end of the story???

Literature Circle: The Cay: Graphic Artist

This drawing that I just made is about when the hurricane comes to the island where Timothy and Phillip were!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Literature Circle: The Cay: Summarize

The Cay is about in the early World War II, eleven year old Phillips lives with his mother and father on the island of Curacao, off the cost of Venezuela. When a neighboring island is attacked by German Submarines. Phillip's mother, wanted to travel back with his son to her home in Virgina. A German U-boat torpedoes the freighter. Phillip is separated from his mother and thrown over board; as he falls, and something fell to his head. When he wakes, he finds himself in a wooden raft with a West Indian man called Timothy, and a stowaway cat. Phillip's mom always told him that black people are "different." While they are in the raft, looking for land, Phillip's head injury render to him blind. Phillip dislike Timothy and was racism. They later got to a land and stayed. When a violent hurricane hits the island, and Timothy saved he young boy and Timothy died...!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Class Scan!!...

Here we had put everything from what we had on!!